We are proud to have conducted our very first Community and Awards Night an event that we hope to be able to host yearly. The event this year was held on the 29th October 2020 at Applecross Tennis Club.

During the night we hosted representatives from over 10 different sporting clubs, some of whom were awarded direct sponsorship & donation from our Social Enterprising efforts.

Every year, we raise funds from sales of our products, services and charity events.
Our Social enterprising efforts aims to Provide Funding towards the following causes:
Community Sports & Safety
First Aid/ Medical for Community Sporting Clubs
Funding for Injury Rehabilitation and injury Management
Medical Intervention for Sporting Club players & Members
Community Virtual Clinic Program
When We Play Sport, Our Whole Community Wins
The big reason to why our company is passionate about changing community sports is that, we believe that the amateur sporting scene in Western Australia remains an under-serviced area when it comes to healthcare and injury management. Amateur athletes are putting in an approximate 7 hours of training and game time per week in their sport and this carries over significant risk of injuries including trauma & concussions, joint dislocations & fractures, muscular strains & tears and not to leave out spinal injuries. All of which poses a threat to their long-term health/ well-being.

Over the years of working with community sporting clubs, we have identified that these injuries were often times poorly addressed, under-managed and barely treated. As a result an injury sustained on the 'field' affects several other important aspects of life. At HSS Australia, we do not look at injuries as "just an injury" and we thing that it is worth examining what an "injury" would mean to an individual in the broader perspective.
To the average Australian.
An injury is never just an injury if it means "time off work" and a "Loss of Personal Income".
An injury is never just an injury if it detracts from an individuals social life/ hobbies/ leisure/ passions.
An injury is never just an injury if it impacts family dynamics.
An injury is never just an injury if it can be prevented in the first place.
Sporting Injury -> Increased Time off work -> Loss of income/ Employment -> Further lack of access to Healthcare -> Social Dilemma -> Chronic Pain Cycle -> Burden of Diseases.
We believe that by preventing/ managing injuries, we can directly impact the wider health problem in the public health system (less individuals falling into the vicious pain/ disease cycle)

There are several reasons as to why healthcare utilization is limited in the community/ amateur sporting setting:
Lack of Funding (Equipment, Personnel, Facilities, Services)
Lack of Awareness
Lack of Private Health Insurance
The increase in government spending and the rise of chronic diseases continues to be the driver for our mission.

Our program aims to create both Awareness on Primary Health and to help the public gain access to primary health. We hope to be able to:
Improve Healthcare Utilization Rate
Improve Injury Management
Improve Health Education
Increase Opportunistic Interventions
Improve Injury Prevention
We believe that by making direct contributions to clubs we can assist them in making an impact in player health and safety.

This year we hit a record high for clinical sessions conducted in the community via our virtual hubs, and we hope to compound on this effort in public service over the coming years.

If you would like to donate/ sponsor our cause.
Donate Here
or Scan this QR Code
Or Contact andrea@hssaus.com.au