Perth Royals Football Club
The Royals were established in 1976 when the Postal Institute (Royal Mail) and Belgrade Soccer Club merged. There has always been something different about Perth Royals. The tenacity and determination displayed by players, coaches and management on and off the pitch has created a successful and unique football culture.
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Our Healthy Community Mission
Growth in the coming years is important to the future and continued success of the Royals. Funding sources like HSS’s offering is key to developing this community based club, for men and in time hopefully women again, to have welcoming, functioning and safe psychosocial environment.
Healthy Focus
Mental health and wellness is tied to physical fitness and having a breakaway from the day to day grind. Royals can be that support network to help people reset and get active.
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Thank You For Your Support
Royals would like to thank HSS for their proposal and opportunity to support the club from a financial and wellness perspective. We look forward to working closely in the months to come with HSS, and all of our sponsors
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