Ryo Nozawa
Hello everyone! I’m Ryo, a physiotherapist. I was born in Japan and moved to Australia to learn and work more as a physiotherapist.
I work at Perth Wellness Centre and as a part of the work, I am an ahead Physio for Stirling Macedonia which is a semi professional soccer club in NPL (a top division of semi professional soccer league)

My mission is to help people as much as I can as a physiotherapist.
I feel that I am involved in a part of my clients’ life through this job, so I want to help the people more.
In addition, working with the soccer club is a good opportunity for me to know how the community sports bring everybody happiness, it is not only win or lose. Once you would go to their stadium and support the club, you would know how fantastic we can share the experience with others. My passion is to help making the atmosphere from Physio point of view.
2020 WA men’s state league soccer champions
Health Focus
As I mentioned above, my passion is to help people but if my health is not good, it becomes impossible due to my unhealthy condition. Thus, I want to keep my health and wellness.
Spending my family makes me relax and gives energy to work harder!

Thank You
Thank you to HSS for providing fantastic healthcare support to people who need them and the communities!!
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